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Hey darlin` here is Miley Cyrus (xxradiatelove) a friend(@David) told me about this small site..
♥Isn't like twitter or facebook but is interesting

♥I want to be friends :>

♥I will try to entry here every day but I don't know sure when:>

♥First,I know you'll say "poser","fake" ,and more,but you'll see along time I'm not a fake and i'm not a poser ..I saw here some posers of me ,I don't say nothing because I know they aren't me and they never will be me!:>

Thanks for reading!xoxo xxRadiateLove

Hugs and Kisses!:>
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Comments • 3

DyAnna 20 June 2011  
DeduxaaLov3 19 June 2011  
Heei and maybeu are Miless
xxRadiateLove 19 June 2011  
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